Known discography of A&M
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(58 records found)
rate it the policeoutlandos d'amour 197812"
rate it the policecan't stand losing you AMS 7381 19787"
rate it the stranglersblack and white SP-4706 197812"
rate it the policeregatta de blanc 197912"
rate it joe jacksonlook sharp! 197912"
rate it dickiesthe incredible shrinking dickies AMLE-64742 197912"
rate it joe jacksoni'm the man SP-18000 197912"
rate it joe jacksoni'm the man SP-18000 19797"x5
rate it athletico spizz 80do a runner 198012"
rate it the policemessage in a bottle 198010"
rate it the policezenyatta mondatta 198012"
rate it the policedon't stand so close to me AM-2147 198010"
rate it athletico spizz 80hot deserts AMS 7550 19807"
rate it athletico spizz 80central pk. AMS 7566 19807"
rate it the policedon't stand so close to me PR-4401 198010"
rate it the spizzlesrisk! 19817"
rate it the spizzlesspikey dream flowers 198112"
rate it the curehappily ever after 198112"
rate it the policeghost in the machine 198112"
rate it the crampspsychedelic jungle 198112"
rate it 9 below zerodon't point your finger 198112"
rate it the spizzlesdangers of living AMS 8124 19817"
rate it captain sensiblewomen and captains first 198212"
rate it the policesynchronicity 198312"
rate it the soundshock of daylight 198412"
No sleeve yet rate it captain beefheart & the magic bandthe legendary a&m sessions AMY-226 198412" ep
rate it iggy popblah-blah-blah 198612"
rate it the feeliesthe good earth 1986CD
rate it the feeliesaway 198812" ep
rate it the feeliesonly life 198812"
rate it soundgardenloudest love 199012" ep
rate it the feeliespaint it black 199012" ep
rate it soundgardenlouder than live 199012"
rate it kitchens of distinctiongorgeous love 1990CD ep
rate it soundgardenloud love 199012" ep
rate it cudrich & strange 1991CD ep
rate it soundgardenbadmotorfinger 1991CD
No sleeve yet rate it the feeliessooner or later 199112" ep
rate it the feeliestime for a witness 1991CD
rate it cudonce again 199212" ep
rate it therapy?nurse 1992CD
rate it therapy?teethgrinder 199212" ep
rate it therapy?nausea 31458 8086 2 1992CD ep
rate it therapy?have a merry fucking christmas THX1 19927"
rate it therapy?face the strange e.p. 19937"
rate it therapy?opal mantra 1993CD ep
rate it therapy?born in a crash 1993CD ep
rate it therapy?opal mantra 19937"
rate it therapy?opal mantra 19937"
rate it therapy?troublegum 1994CD
rate it therapy?trigger inside 1994CD ep
rate it american music club shoen knife sonic youth the cranberries bettie serveert dishwalla sheryl crow johnette napolitano redd kross babes in toyland cracker matthew sweet 4 non blondes grant lee buffalov/a: if i were a carpenter 1994CD
No sleeve yet rate it cudone giant love 199412" ep
rate it therapy?nowhere 1994CD ep
rate it swervedriverlast train to satansville 1994CD ep
rate it therapy?diane 1995CD ep
rate it love batterystraight freak ticket 1995CD
rate it swervedriver happy campersmagic bus split CD ep 1997CD ep

origine, provenance, formé à, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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